This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  admin 6 years ago.

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  • #75202

    Mike Beargie

    We are logging actions associated with a WebDirect deployment of the calendar. We have placed a simple script to log actions anytime the soSIMPLE Calendar Actions script is called:

    # Start of script
    Go To Layout [ calendar_action_log ]
    New Record/Request/Page
    Set Field [ calendar_action_log::parameter ; Get(ScriptParameter) ]
    Go To Layout [ original layout ]

    However, in WebDirect it seems that this action is only being fired relative to the “SAVE” button in the edit event window. It does not fire on the OPEN action when double clicking a calendar event, or the CANCEL button in the event detail modal. The documentation states that the action should run at least on the OPEN action.

    How can we enable this action? Or is there something to look for?

  • #75203


    Hi Mike –

    That is correct, by design.

    Anytime any events are changed on the calendar (by saving or by dragging and dropping), the action script is run. I believe all the parameters are listed work in WebDirect except the open parameter. The open parameter is a UI convention so it doesn’t work natively in web viewers in WebDirect.

    We do have a method running UI scripts in WebDirect (which is what it sounds like you’re trying to do), but it would involve some custom development to get it going for you.


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